Le trolls out there and the occasional stumblers who grace me with their passing attention may know that I am not a huge reader in the blogger 'verse.
I'm completely & holistically a visual person and it's how I naturally digest information, so it's hard for me to not skim through blocks of texts between shiny pictures unless it is written in a truly captivating language. (Note: blogroll.) Hence, I lean towards YouTube and Tumblr mainly.
Comparatively, it’s easily as difficult to edit my own text because I have a tendency to rant and the writer in me wants to stretch out of its fetal position in sporadic moments. (Though usually not in the times I need it to.) Yet, I am the worst person at commenting and giving feedback besides the easy-to-click Like button and double-taps.
It's pretty much why I expect my blog to flop just as effortlessly as I fail to socialize in said blogger 'verse.
The issue at hand is if this matters to me, a nouveau blogger, or not.
For a reader, I'm sure it's easy to fall out of interest with a blogger, and in the same manner, for a blogger, I'm sure it's difficult to continue a blog that fails to retain its readership. Blogging is alike a series of conversation, albeit each begins with a monologue, but it should be a two-way street all the same.
Otherwise, what is it if not vandalizing the wall of an abandoned speakeasy which once smuggled attention?
— Well, I’m not too averse to that idea either.