Predicted FAQ

How did you come up with your blog name?
Took my most common nickname — mel — from Melissa, and my favorite term in the creative sphere — muse. The fact that the two have singular syllables, begin with the same letter, and have a very nice ring spoken aloud when placed together did it for me.

Why is there a honey bee in your logo?
"Melissa" originates from Greek mythology and is based off the nymph caretaker of Zeus who discovers bees and honey. Many dramatic things happen before, inevitably, she is turned into a honey bee.

I always liked that aspect of my name and my parents actually did look up the meaning before deciding it, so I felt it was appropriate. Fun fact — the photo of the bee, I actually took myself (it was resting on my car windshield while I was driving). I thought it was fate!

Why don't you feature yourself on your own blog more?
This sort of ties into the blog name. The reason why there's an ampersand (&) is that I am not the sole "face" of the blog. I personally prefer having others (hence "muses") as subjects rather than myself. I just find it easier to be behind the scenes and to produce than do both at a time.

What do you do for a living?
What Harry Styles did before he became famous.